• Italiano

The University of Malta

The University of Malta

The University of Malta is the most important public educational institution in the Republic of Malta based in Msida.

It has been involved as coordinator and partner in numerous EU funded projects under various programmes including FP5 / 6/7, Horizon 2020, Lifelong Learning Programme, Culture 2000, Tempus, Erasmus +, INTERREG EU MED, ENPI CBC MED and various others including international and national programmes and initiatives.  The University has participated in fifteen projects within the previous Italy-Malta 2007-2013 Operational Programme (Lead Partner in three of these), with the GARDMED project, which included the census of plants in a number of historic gardens in Malta and south-eastern Sicily , as well as the organization of dissemination and educational activities for the public, and the SEMCLIMED project, with the aim of evaluating the effects of climate change on the biodiversity of the flora of the Mediterranean basin.

The conservation of wild and endangered species, the propagation of plants and the storage of seeds are some of the main objectives of the Germplasm Bank of the University of Malta.